Thursday, October 13, 2011

Find me on Tumblr!

Many items of business today...

1) I have a Tumblr account now, which is quickly becoming my insta-porta-mobile-blog.  It basically a bite-sized version of this blog, with a lot more photos and postings about things that amuse and inspire my life and my art.  I've been using it to post works in progress, as well:

2) I'd like to fill my Links page with some interesting stuff, so if you have a website showcasing your artwork, or know of any good printmaking sites, please let me know.

3) I am working on adding an event calendar to this site, but until then... my Relief & Intaglio class is going to be in a show at Bad Dog Gallery in DeKalb on October 20th, 2011 from 7-10 p.m.  It's called "Chatter" and will feature woodcuts from the entire class.  BONUS: We're giving away free prints at the show.  Come and get it!