Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Suicide Print Step-By-Step

Last Saturday, I was in a science-themed show at The Yetee Gallery in Aurora, IL. It was called "Billions & Billions," so I decided to make a print of Carl Sagan with one of my favorite quotes of his. It's another suicide woodcut, and once again I documented the color layers as I put them down. I've had a lot of people ask me about the process, so here is the step-by-step:

Color 1
1. Carved out the parts of block I wanted to remain the same color as the paper (white, in this case), and then rolled up the block with yellow ink, which was the lightest of the colors I planned on using in the print. Stretched my paper and laid out my registration using a jig and pins, and then printed the first color.

Color 2
2. Between each color, I tried to let my prints dry as much as possible before adding another color on top. This prevents the colors from mixing together or bleeding on the paper. I also talc on my block to help absorb excess ink before carving back into it. For the second carving, I removed all parts of the block that I wanted to remain YELLOW, then inked it up with the next color I'd be working on.

Color 3

3. Repeat the same steps for each following color layer.

Color 4

Color 5

Color 6 (final)

This is what my wood block looked like
by the time I was done printing.
4. When you're finished, all that will be left raised on your block will be the last color you printed.